منتدى شروق الاسلام

- زائرنا العزيز يسعدنا انضمامك الى اسرة شروق الاسلام، فلا تحرمنا من تسجيلك معنا.

- عضونا الكريم سارع بالدخول و ساهم برأيك و وجهة نظرك.

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى شروق الاسلام

- زائرنا العزيز يسعدنا انضمامك الى اسرة شروق الاسلام، فلا تحرمنا من تسجيلك معنا.

- عضونا الكريم سارع بالدخول و ساهم برأيك و وجهة نظرك.

منتدى شروق الاسلام

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى شروق الاسلام

((منتدى اسلامى اجتماعى تعليمى ثقافى هادف ))


لقد نسيت كلمة السر


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» أسئلة على درس وطننا العربى الموقع و المساحة
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اعلان هـــــــــــام

للاشتراك فى الاعلان اتصل بنا من خلال الضغط على الصورة/


أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى


أعضاؤنا قدموا 280 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 238 موضوع

هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 112 عُضو.

آخر عُضو مُسجل هو الحاج دقي فمرحباً به.

حارب الانفلونزا

    جمل وامثلة لمصطلحات تاريخية بلغة انجليزية

    محمد فتحى
    محمد فتحى
    عضو مجتهد
    عضو مجتهد

    عدد الرسائل : 254
    الموقع : egypt
    نقاط : 270
    تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2008

    محمد فتحى
    شروق الاسلام:

    جمل وامثلة لمصطلحات تاريخية بلغة انجليزية Empty جمل وامثلة لمصطلحات تاريخية بلغة انجليزية

    مُساهمة من طرف محمد فتحى الإثنين أكتوبر 12, 2009 12:25 am

    جمل وامثلة لمصطلحات تاريخية بلغة انجليزية 461814

    Historical Terms

    1-War: A battle happens between two armies
    g.: There was a war between Iraq and Iran.

    2- A map: A drawing of the surface of the earth that shows countries, rivers mountains.
    E.g.: I can't find Cambridge on the map.

    3- A messenger: A person who carries a message.
    E.g.: The prophet (Be peace up on him) sent a messenger to Heralds

    4- Holes: An opening or an empty space in the solid.
    E.g.: The pavement is full of holes.

    5- Nation: A country or all the people in a country.
    E.g.: A summit of leaders of seven nations.

    6- Prince: A son or a relative of a king or queen.
    E.g.: Our minister of demos tic affairs is prince Naïf

    7- King: The title of a man who rules a country .
    E.g. : Our great king is a faithful man.

    8- Minister: A member of the government
    E.g.: Our minister of trade is an active man.

    9- Arabs : The people who live in the Arabic land and the middle east.
    E.g. : All Arabs believe in Islam.

    10- Persia: Iran in The ancient ages was called Persia .
    E.g. : Once there was an empire called Persia.

    11- Romans: An old civilization controlled the western world.
    E.g.: The Romans gained a battle against Persians.

    12- Russians : People who live in Russia.
    E.g. : The Russians have a great progress in space science.

    13- Greeks : The people who live in Greece.
    E.g. : The Greeks had an old civilization.

    14- Germans: The people who live in Germany.
    E.g. : The Germans are famous for their high technology.

    15- Aspects: Principles or points of view in life.
    E.g. : Life has a lot of aspects .

    16- Control : To master a situation.
    E.g. He has a control over the conference.

    17- A battle: a war between two enemies such as two countries.
    E.g. There was a battle in 1973 between Egypt and Israel

    18- Defense: The way or technique to defend for a country.
    E.g. Old Muslims always have great techniques of defense.

    19- Empire: The union of a lot of countries under one leadership
    E.g. there were two great empires in the past.

    20- Against: To take a situation that harms another person.
    E.g. We all stands against him because he was wrong .

    21- Army: A group of troops that is ready to defend for the country.
    E.g. We have a strong army.

    22- Enemy: The person or the country that stands against or plots against another person or country.
    E.g. Israel is our enemy in the Middle East.

    23- Spreading: To publicize something and let it be known.
    E.g.: Spreading the information about military affairs is forbidden

    24- Civilization: The society which has its highly developed culture
    E.g. we have an Islamic civilization

    25- Arrow: A thin piece of wood or metal shot from paw.
    E.g. He was killed by an arrow .

    26- Sword: A weapon with a handle and long thin metal blade
    E.g. The prophet (Be peace up on him) gave his sword To Ali (May Allah be satisfied about him)

    27 –An Explorer: A person who travels round the world in order to find out every thing.
    E.g. Bin Mage was a great Explorer .

    28- The pyramids: A shape with a flat base and three triangular sides.
    E.g. Egypt has a great pyramids.

    29- Khalifa: The ruler of Islamic Empire.
    E.g. Huron El Rashid was a great Khalifa.

    30- Castle: A huge building protects the country.
    E.g.: Selah El Din's castle is beautiful.

    31- Syria: an Arabic country in the Middle East.
    E.g. Syria is a beautiful country .

    32- Country: The area or the place where we live
    E.g. K.S.A is great country.

    33- Research: Great information about specific field.
    E.g. We made historical research.

    34- River Nile: The Nile which passes across a lot of countries: such as Egypt.
    E.g.: Without River Nile there won't be agriculture.

    35- The pharos: The firs great known civilization in history
    E.g. The pharos lived in Egypt .

    36- Culture: The customs, ideas of a specific society or group of people
    E.g.: Islamic Culture comes from The Holly Quran and the prophet's way

    37- Alliance : The union of countries or army forces
    E.g.: The European Union is a great Alliance

    38- Temples: A place of worshipping in ancient civilization
    E.g. Luxor has great old temples

    39- Statues: Stone that was formed and shaped to represent a symbol of worshipping
    E.G.: in India, there are old statues

    40- Valley of Kings: A great old sanitary for ancient Egyptians kings.
    E.G.: Valley OF Kings is a great ancient place.

    عبدالعزيز بن عوض الجهني
    طالب الدرسات العليا بقسم التاريخ
    كلية الاداب والعلوم الانسانية جامعة طيبة بالمدينة

    شكر خاص لصاحب الموضوع الاستاذ عبد العزيز

      مواضيع مماثلة


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد سبتمبر 22, 2024 6:24 am